Thursday, 17 January 2013

Happy Mondays - Freaky Dancin' Live

Happy Mondays are truely the pinacle of the 'Madchester' scene which emerged in the late eighties/early nineties, combining the alternative/punk method with hippy psychedelic ideals all mixed in with the emergence of Exstacy in the UK's club scene, it caused a total media storm. With naive politicians and ultra-conservative media pundits blasting the genre for being some kind of drug cult (which it clearly wasn't), the bands stood through it all and emerged as many of the nineties best loved bands. Happy Mondays really advertised the hedonistic lifestyle and their psychedelic grooves just captured the listener's imagination. Today's review is a 12" debut single, Freaky Dancin' (Live).

Freaky Dancin' (Live) counts us into a nice trippy repetative groove, almost as if someone had spiked neu!'s drinks. This groove will flow throughout the whole track, and sounds really warm and funky. The singing comes on over the top kinda hazy and un-refined. It's clearly a live recording. However what's really important is the upper of the music, and that damn fine groove going on and on, makes you move your body in time. It's so chill. It carries on to the end, not a single down note, all positive.

The Egg is the B side, opening up with some psychedelic Syd barrett-lite guitar plonks over a laid back stalking beat, before getting into it's groove where it sounds very eighties, and very cool. the music just develops over time, before we get to some amatuerish singing, taking nothern soul and mixing it with a total druggy stoner feel. It's a neat mixture of psychedelic with eighties pop (yes, including those heavily reverbed snares) that really shows the Happy Mondays as a band still finding it's feet, escaping from the Joy Division sound by it's own accord. After grinding to a halt, we get the second track of the B side, Freaky Dancin', the studio version. A more refined and polished sound, which doesn't obscure the amazing groove and just upbeat sound, almost dreamlike and totally chilled out peaceful like. It's definately Bez singing here, that's for sure.

It's a shocker of a top quality single here, and I love it.

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